Friday, September 14, 2012

Octolaboration #1 at HMSC

The finished collaboration (above)

Squirt's contribution

The contraption built by Kristen at HMSC for Octopainting fun.
a) Contraption fits over side of tank.
b) fish goes in Mr. Potato head (or other toy)
c) octopus plays with toy to get food out
d) brushes move around canvas as octopus moves around
e) ART!

Artist's note:
I have been wanting to do a focused artistic collaboration for a while but have hesitated to approach someone primarily because if I said "Hi, I am an artist and I think you do good work. Would you like to collaborate?" .... then I would feel like a stray dog coming up to a picnic and asking if I could have half their ham sandwiches.

When the opportunity presented itself for me to collaborate with and build on the artistic talents of Squirt the HMSC Octopus I jumped at the chance... primarily because I know Octopuses don't eat ham sandwiches.

More Octo-art to come


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